Monday, November 30, 2009

Nov 30: Home again

We had a great time on our vacation to Disney World. It was really fun to see Carter have fun, and to watch him see and do so many things for the first time. He really seemed to enjoy the adventure of being in a new place.

Doug flew off to New York early this morning, and then Carter and I flew home mid-afternoon. We spent our last hour at the hotel playing on the playground. I snapped a few pictures of Carter with my phone.

It's funny how playground equipment used to look so big and intimidating. It was hard to imagine my little guy climbing all over it. But now he does.

He really enjoyed walking around in the dirt and digging up leaves. He looks so grown up here, for some reason.

He dug in the dirt...

And then, of course, ate some. It might look like he's smiling here, but he's actually saying, "Yucky!"

And here he is going down the slide head-first, as usual.

Our flight home was easy. Carter fell asleep before we took off and woke up when we landed, so it was an easy flight for me! It was flight number 62 for him. I have some videos from the trip to post; I'll get those up this week.

And with that, I have completed NaBloPoMo!

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