Sunday, June 22, 2008

One more thing

I meant to write about this in my last post, but forgot, so I'll just make it a new post.

Carter has started to get better at grabbing things lately. When we're out and about he liked to ride front-facing in the sling and hold onto the fingers of one of my hands. He grasps and releases my fingers, and seems to be studying them. When he lies under his baby gym, he stares at dangling toys very intently and works so hard to grasp them. I can see him concentrating very hard, and when he can't quite do it, he gets frustrated and cries, then bats at the toys hard enough to make them swing around. But he always calms down and tries again.

Today I watched him playing for a while, and it was so fascinating to see how he is starting to study everything around him. He will hold toys in his hand and turn them over, studying them intently. He's starting to put things he can hold in his mouth, and when he can't quite get the toy there he's visibly annoyed. He used to play by laying on the floor and kicking and flailing, but now his efforts are more focused. He will lie very still for a while staring at something, and then reach up and grab it. He will hold onto the toy for a long time, turning it in his hand and pulling it toward him. I got a little bit of this on video today.

It's so amazing to watch him grow and change! He'll lie there and play for a long time, and I like to sit beside him and watch. Every now and then he'll look up and see me watching him, and he'll grin and squeal. So cute!


Mattison Grace said...

It is just amazing how much he has grown since the beach. It is just the sweetest thing when they hold your finger while eating and look up and smile at you! It melts my heart.
Congratulations on Breast Feeding. I know you have worked really hard to get to this point. I know you are enjoying it.
Give Carter a big kiss for me. I look forward to reading more and getting more updates. He is moving along fast!!! Watch out-he will be doing new things everday from now on.

Pam Marion said...

Congrats!!!Was Carter holding up his head unassisted or propped against the bumbo seat during the video? Looks as if he has developed greater control of his head and neck since the beach!Provide hugs and kisses from Aunt you guys!

bonbonbanker said...

He is changing so much each time you post. He is such a cutie pie and so full of himself. I beleive he is going to be expressive like his Mommy use to be when she was his age....

Keep up the posts..we miss you and love you,
Aunt Bonnie