Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Notes from Carter

One of the cool things about Carter being able to read and write is that it gives us a whole new way to communicate. He has an email account and has been emailing Nana and his cousins, but he has also used it to email me. I was out of town last weekend and we were able to email each other. I loved it! I sent him little emails throughout the day, and he occasionally wrote me back.  For example:

Mommy I
Miss You

So sweet! I love it the way he presses return after every word. ;-)

He also knows how to email me pictures from within iPad apps. Here is one he sent of Rainbow Dash. (Those things coming out of her head are tears. She's laughing so hard she's crying, apparently.)

He also has a writing paper app that he can take screenshots in and email them. Here's one he sent me when I went to work on Monday:

It's so, so cool. :-)

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