I should say at the start that I'm in no hurry to start the potty learning process. I don't mind changing diapers, and I am perfectly happy to go at whatever pace Carter wants to go. I recently read up on the signs of readiness, and though Carter has a few of them, he definitely doesn't have all of them. Still, I thought it wouldn't hurt to start working a few things into our routine, like letting him sit on his potty at diaper changes, for example.
One of the readiness signs was that your child can stay dry for 3 hours. Now I don't think *I* can go 3 hours without going to the bathroom during the day, but anyway, that was one of the signs. I bought some cheapo Gerber training pants and decided to see how long he could go between pees last night. I put a pair on him after a diaper change, and they were wet 15 minutes later. So that was our starting point. I put on a dry pair and noted the time. And 20 minutes later, they were wet again! At that point, I just put a diaper back on, heh.
But I will admit that I went ahead and bought a few pairs of these Blueberry training pants, which are OMG so adorable. They have a waterproof layer in them too, so they can be used as pull-ups. Carter really liked stepping into the undies, so I think we'll just continue to do that a few evenings a week, just to get him used to the idea.
Here are some cute pictures:
Here is a video of him from last night that shows how he counts: "one, two, five." Actually, at his swimming lesson today we worked a little on counting (at one of the stations we sit on the pool steps, and he picks up diving rings from the stairs and puts them on my arm like bracelets -- we count them as we go) and if I said "three" in time, he would count "four" next.
Doug got home from Korea this afternoon, and while I was at the gym tonight he was watching an AC/DC concert he'd DVR'd. He said Carter was dancing around and head-banging to the music, and so he said, "Oh, you like AC/DC?" and Carter said, "Yes!" My little rocker, hee!
He looks so cute and grown up...I love the counting.....I can't wait to see him at Christmas.... Love you, Mom/Nana
He looks SO grown up in those underpants! :(
Those Blueberry training pants are SO cute. I might have to invest in a few. Do you know what other company makes them? I haven't been looking around too much yet. I'm not too excited about Will being THAT grown up yet!
I absolutely love those training pants. They are adorable. I will definitely get Matti a pair.
Looks like Carter and Matti are on the same page as to what they are doing. The counting and singing is absolutely amazing and the copy cat.... Oh well, definitely have to watch everything I say or she will repeat it. I will have to do better at getting these things on video so I can share.
Carter is just getting so big. I love the fact that he was jamming to AC/DC. May be Matti and Carter can go to some concerts together since they are both little rockers.... HA
Love reading all the posts. I am looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas!!!
So cute! Btw - I counted "staying dry for 3 hours" as including naps/night time.
I think 3 hours dry is a crazy amount of time because I go more often than that myself. We drink a lot of water in my house!
My son was waking up dry from naps every day, and from his 12-hour nursing night time sleep more days than not.
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